Home Remedy for Sinusitus
Bring a two-quart (or larger) pan of water to boil. Add three tablespoons of salt to the boiling water and remove from heat. Place the steaming pot of water on a surface low enough to lean over. A dining room or kitchen table works perfectly. Remember to place pot holders under the pot of water to avoid damaging wood surfaces. Lean over the pot with a towel covering the head and the pot (producing a tent-like effect) and inhale deeply. The hot saline solution will aid sinus drainage to relieve pressure. This will also coat the inside of the inside of the nostrils with warmth and moisture, relieving the dryness and pain cause by repeatedly blowing the nose.
Hot Compresses
Relieve sinus pain and pressure with hot compresses applied to the face. There are a few ways to do this; the easiest is to use a heating pad on the lowest setting. If no heating pad is available there are other effective ways to create a soothing hot compress.
Fill a sock with rice or dry beans. Tie the end of the sock to prevent spilling and microwave it for about one minute. Use caution when removing the sock from the microwave, it may be very hot. Shake the sock a few times, mixing the contents to ensure there are no overly hot spots. Place the warm sock over the forehead and across the bridge of the nose.
Soak a washcloth in hot (but tolerable to the touch) water for a quick compress. Ring out excess water and place the cloth over the entire face for relief from sinus pressure.
Use a tea made from dried elderberry flowers to reduce inflammation. Place two teaspoons of the dried plant in eight ounces of boiling water. Allow this mixture to steep for 10 minutes before consuming. Use this tea for at least four consecutive days to achieve noticeable results.
Add two or three drops of eucalyptus oil to a bowl of steaming hot water and inhale. Repeat this a few times a day to get results.