Parasite Cleanse for Toddlers
Toddlers often fall victim to parasite infections. They are especially common in children who attend day care or preschool programs. The Food and Drug Administration defines parasite as organisms that derive nourishment and protection from other living organisms. Some of the more common parasites found in toddlers include lice, giardiasis, pinworms and cryptosporidium. They most common symptom for the last three is diarrhea and they are diagnosed by analyzing the stool. Lice is visible in the hair. If your toddler is unfortunate enough to contract one of these parasites, there are several options for a parasite cleanse.-
To cleanse lice from your toddler, talk to your doctor about which over-the-counter lice shampoo is safest for your child. Follow the package directions carefully and use the lice comb to remove any nits. Wash all of your toddler's bedding and stuffed animals. Vacuum the furniture and car seats to prevent reinfection. Repeat the lice treatment within one to two weeks to be sure all of the lice have been killed.
According to the CDC, giardiasis is caused by a microscopic parasite Giardia intestinalis, and it has become recognized as a common cause of waterborne disease in humans in the United States. Most of the time a toddler infected with giardiasis will have diarrhea, but sometimes there will be no symptoms. It is diagnosed through analyzing the stool. There are several medications that can treat this parasite, and your child's pediatrician will know which one will be best for your toddler. Goldenseal and garlic can be used as a natural parasite cleanse for giardiasis. Add extra garlic to your child's food, but discuss the use of goldenseal with your doctor.
Pinworms are small, thin parasites that are about one-fourth of an inch long and they live in the colon. One of the most common symptoms of a pinworm infection is an itchy anus. At night, the female pinworm will migrate to the anus to lay her eggs. To know if pinworms are the cause of the discomfort, you can perform the tape test. Before bed, place a peace of tape on your child's bottom near the anus. In the morning, remove the tape to see if any worms are visible or take it to your pediatrician to be analyzed. The most common treatment is Reese's Pinworm Medication. Follow the package directions carefully as dose is related to weight. The parasite cleanse should be repeated in a week to totally clear up the infection. You can also give your child pumpkin seeds to eat for her snack as they have been shown to be an effective natural treatment for pinworms.
According to the CDC, most people who have healthy immune systems will recover from cryptosporidium without treatment. If your child does have an immune system problems, such as HIV, the infection should be discussed with your doctor. To help your toddler cleanse the parasite naturally, have him drink plenty of fluids such as water or electrolyte solutions to keep things moving in the digestive tract and to avoid dehydration.
Reinfection and Prevention
If your child's symptoms return, there may be a reinfection. Be sure to repeat the parasite cleanse for your toddler as soon as possible. To keep infections from returning, encourage your child to eat pumpkin seeds and add garlic to your cooking as they have been shown to naturally cleanse parasites from humans.