Clear Liquid Diets for Diverticulitis
Diverticulitis Diet Theory
Understand the basics behind a diverticulitis diet so you have reasonable expectations regarding treatment. According to the Mayo Clinic, a liquid diet for diverticulitis will not treat or cure the underlying condition, but it will act to relieve symptoms for a period while your physician takes other measures to counteract the disease. Additionally, remember that a diverticulitis diet is not a full-time affair but rather a temporary stopgap measure to be used for periods where symptoms are exceptionally acute and discontinued as soon as possible thereafter. This is because a liquid diet fails to provide the body with sufficient nutrients, making it more of a remedial measure than a true solution.
Diverticulitis Liquid Diet
Consume only clear liquid foods while on a liquid diet to curb the symptoms of diverticulitis. These foods include pulp-free fruit juice, clear sodas, broth, Popsicles, jello or gelatin, tea, coffee or cream. This is the extent of the foods allowed while following a liquid diet for diverticulitis. Remembering that this is only a temporary approach may help you to psychologically cope with these heavy dietary restrictions. Additionally, try to keep your total calories are normal as possible while following this approach to avoid unwanted weight loss. This means consuming calorie-containing beverages for the bulk of your intake. Although it might be challenging to do so, attempt to consume at least 1,000 to 1,500 calories per day to minimize weight loss.