Test for Polyphenols
What Is a Polyphenol?
Polyphenols are chemical compounds that are found in plants. They get their name from their molecular structure. Polyphenols are known to be antioxidants, which means that they prevent oxidization in the body and therefore prevent cell damage. The most common types of polyphenols are flavonoids, phlorotannins, gallic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid.
The Test
The test for polyphenols is done by collecting a urine sample. Once the sample is procured, the sample is exposed to an alcohol solution that contains a colored complex. When the polyphenols come into contact with the solution, they turn violet in color. The more intense the color is, the higher the polyphenol level is. High levels of polyphenols are considered to be good. The results can be gathered in as little as six minutes.
Why Do the Test?
Polyphenols, because they are antioxidants, are instrumental in disease prevention. For example, a study conducted by Dr. Maria-Isabel Covas et al revealed that substances rich in polyphenols (in the study's case, virgin olive oil) produce a noticeable increase in "good" cholesterol levels (HDL). Increased HDL reduces the risk of clogged arteries and heart disease. The test therefore can serve as a possible indication of how well your body is able to repair, cleanse and defend itself so that you can make lifestyle adjustments if needed to get healthy and remain beautiful.
Who Should Get It?
Anyone who is concerned about how quickly she is aging or who is at risk for major diseases such as cancer or heart disease should consider getting the polyphenol test.
After the Test
If your polyphenol tests show that your polyphenol levels are normal, then you do not need to take any action. If the levels are abnormally low, however, then you may need to make dietary changes to increase the intake of polyphenols. An excellent source of polyphenols is tea, but eating more fruits and vegetables, which has other health benefits aside from raised polyphenol levels, is another way to get them.