Exercises After Arthroscopy Knee Surgery
Exercise 1
Lie on floor or any other hard surface so your toes face the ceiling. Keep a roll of bandage or some other cloth the size of a folded towel under the ankle, between the floor and your body. Next, push your ankle down toward the folded towel, so that the towel is pressed. This action will tighten the knee. Once you feel this sensation, remain in this position for five seconds. Remember not to lift the knee or the ankle or any other part of the body. Repeat this 10 times.
Exercises 2 and 3
While lying on the floor with your toes pointed up, bend the knee at an angle of approximately 15 degrees, so that it is slightly raised from the surface. Now, pull your heel toward the floor, without moving the leg. The mild sensation in the inner thigh is an indication that you are doing this exercise right. As usual, hold for five seconds and repeat 10 times. For the third exercise, which is a continuation of the second, keep the body straight while lying on your back, with your toes facing up. Tighten the buttock muscles and draw and squeeze them together for five seconds. Repeat 10 times as in the previous rounds.
Exercise 4
Lie on your back on the same hard, even surface. Keep the right leg straight and the left leg bent at about 45 degrees. In this position, lift the right leg 6 inches from the ground. Keep the knee of the raised leg totally straight. Try also to lift the leg by applying pressure on the front part of it, rather than on the calves or other back areas. Keep this position for five seconds, and repeat 10 times. After this, reverse the position of the legs, and do the same exercise with your other leg.