Natural Joint Remedies
Tumeric and Warm Water
Tumeric is a spice and is the reason that curry powder is yellow. Tumeric has been used for centuries in the traditional east Indian medical tradition to treat mild pain and inflammation in the joints. To help relieve joint pain, mix 1/2 tsp of tumeric powder in 1 cup of warm water and drink it. Do this three times a day to keep your joint pain in check.
Apple Cider Vinegar Internally
Apple cider vinegar contains several minerals which are helpful in keeping joints healthy, such as magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. Joint pain can be relieved by drinking 1 to 3 tsp of apple cider vinegar in 8 oz of water three times a day before each meal. The apple cider vinegar will provide those minerals you need to keep joints healthy and will also improve the absorption of nutrients from your food.
Apple Cider Vinegar Topically
Apple cider vinegar can also be used topically to relieve painful joints. Simply heat up 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and then rub the hot vinegar into sore joints. Make sure you wait for it to cool down enough to be handled. Another option is to heat 6 cups of water and mix it with 1 cup of apple cider vinegar and soak your sore joints in this mixture. The combination of heat and apple cider vinegar will help to relieve pain.
Hot and Cold Compresses
Another option to naturally relieve joint pain is to use hot and cold compresses. Heat up a damp cloth in the microwave or soak it in hot water and ring it out. Fold it up and make it into a compress that can be put on your sore joints. Once the heat is gone in the hot compress, then replace it with cold one. To do this, dip a cloth in ice water or even just tap water, ring it out and fold it into a compress before putting it onto your sore joint. Alternate between hot and cold compresses until your joint pain has some relief.
Olive Oil and Kerosene Oil
Mixing pure virgin olive oil and kerosene oil together makes for a good ointment that can be applied to relieve joint pain. Mix 2 parts pure virgin olive oil and 1 part kerosene oil together and then apply the mixture to your sore joints. Since both are oils and slick this makes the mixture easy to rub into your skin.
Aspirin and Rubbing Alcohol
Dissolve 100 aspirin tablets in 1 pint of rubbing alcohol. Once they are dissolved then apply this to sore joints by rubbing it in three times a day. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory so this would explain why it works so well when applied topically. The rubbing alcohol is great for creating a medium that is slick and will make rubbing the mixture into your skin very easy.