Fastest Home Cure for Hemorrhoids
Lifestyle Changes
Avoid straining during bowel movements by altering your diet. Drinking plenty of water and increasing your fiber intake through food and supplements can ease the discomfort of hemorrhoids during defecation. Do not try to lift heavy things on your own or take part in strenuous activities. With some assistance, you can reduce the stress and strain on your hemorrhoids, allowing them to heal on their own. A few lifestyle changes may not provide a fast home cure for hemorrhoids, but they can certainly help get rid of the problem in time naturally.
Home Treatments
Self-treat with over-the-counter ointments specially formulated for hemorrhoids. While they do offer temporary relief, make do with some things at home and gain the same results. For instance, take a warm sitz bath, soaking your hemorrhoids several times a day for instant relief from the throbbing discomfort. Applying ice packs several times a day can reduce inflammation and swelling, particularly if the hemorrhoid is bulging externally.
Cleansing the anal area with a cotton ball soaked in witch hazel is quite soothing and can decrease the swelling of the veins. If you chill the witch hazel in advance, the veins will shrink a lot faster, lowering discomfort levels. Dry, rough toilet paper can irritate hemorrhoids, so switching to white toilet paper with lotion or even flushable wet wipes helps alleviate the pain and soreness quickly. Applying vitamin E topically to your hemorrhoids promotes fast healing, too.
Herbal Remedies
Calendula is an herb known for its anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing properties. Purchase an herbal salve with calendula to administer topically or brew a strong infusion of calendula tea and use it in a sitz bath several times a day. Applying aloe vera to the hemorrhoid site can quickly soothe the itching and burning sensation, promoting fast healing for hemorrhoids.
Collinsonia, also known as stone root, is a very effective treatment for hemorrhoids as well. Taken in capsule or tea form, collinsonia strengthens the veins and cuts down on swelling. Brew a strong cup of yarrow tea, dip a cotton ball in it and apply directly onto the hemorrhoids several times a day. Yarrow is a natural astringent that helps shrink the veins and reduce pain.
Short of surgical measures, there are no true fast cures for hemorrhoids. Rather, the best goal to aim for is some home remedies that provide fast relief, buying you some comfortable time while your hemorrhoids heal on their own.