What to Expect in a Seizure?

Seizures can be a very scary experience, both for those who suffer from them and those who witness them. Knowing what to expect when a seizure occurs can help you stay calm and render aid in this medical situation.
  1. Types

    • Febrile, epileptic, petite and grand mal seizures are all common types of seizure disorders. Though they may share common traits, these seizures can be different in appearance and cause.


    • Seizures can manifest as whole body convulsions, loss of consciousness, staring, lip smacking, chewing or small, repetitive movements. Some sufferers experience headaches, auras or premonitions before the onset of a seizure. You may also see a loss of bladder or bowel control, total collapse or twitching limbs.


    • Although there sometimes is no discernible cause for seizures, they are usually caused by abnormal activity in the brain. Fever, diet or chemical imbalances may be to blame in some cases.


    • Seizure disorders can often be treated with medication, though it can take time to find a combination of medicines and doses that works for each individual. Some types of epilepsy can be helped by following a specific diet, and febrile seizures are cured by bringing down a high fever.


    • During a seizure, place the person on their side in a clear area free of hard or sharp objects. Stay with the person and keep him from rolling onto his back, because he could choke if he vomits. Do not place anything in his mouth, and do not try to restrain his body.

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