Effects of Preparation H
Preparation H is applied to the anal area. Before usage, you should always wash your hands to get rid of any germs and bacteria you may have contacted during the day. Also clean the affected area with a wet wipe before application. A small amount of Preparation H should be applied to your fingertip and then applied to rectum. The medication should never be applied internally. After applying the cream, wash your hands to get rid of any excess.
If used correctly, Preparation H will temporarily relieve itching, burning, and soreness in the rectum area caused by hemorrhoids. It should only be applied on the exterior of the anus. The medication may also shrink swollen tissue caused by the hemorrhoids around the rectum, though only temporarily.
Side Effects
Although no common side effects have been reported to the FDA, there have been more serious occasional side effects reported such as: rectum bleeding, worsening redness, pain, irritation and swelling, and severe allergic reactions.
Many people find it difficult to sit for prolonged periods of time or on hard surfaces when they have hemorrhoids. Preparation H will help relieve the discomfort of sitting so that you can perform every day activities without the pain of the condition.
According to Medline Plus, Preparation H has a chance of negatively interacting with other prescription medications. Before using this cream, you should speak with your physician about the medications you are using. Known medications that interact with Preparation H are those for high blood pressure, diabetic, and thyroid medications. It may also cause harm during pregnancy and breast feeding.
Preparation H may cause allergic reactions. You should contact your doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms: difficulty breathing, hives, chest tightness, and swelling in the face, mouth, lips, tongue or throat. These are signs of a serious allergic reaction that need treatment immediately.