What Are the Dangers of Deep Anxiety If No Help Is Given?

Anxiety is a normal emotion that causes the body to be alert, focused and motivated when we feel threatened. However, when anxiety becomes so overwhelming that it interferes with every day life it crosses the line into becoming a disorder. Left untreated, a person suffering from deep anxiety may experience many health dangers.
    • Anxiety becomes dangerous when it prevents you from living your life.

    Definition of Anxiety Disorder

    • An anxiety disorder is a chronic condition that plagues a person with persistent and excessive fear or worry with physical symptoms in situations where others would not feel threatened. There are several types of anxiety disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and phobias.

    Emotional Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders

    • Deep anxiety emotional symptoms include excessive worry, dread, apprehension, irritability, restlessness, tenseness and panic attacks. These are common emotion symptoms of those with deep anxiety.

    Physical Symptoms of Deep Anxiety

    • Excessive sweating, heart palpitations, tremors, dizziness, fatigue, headaches and upset stomach are just a few of the physical symptoms a sufferer of deep anxiety may feel.

    Danger of Not Treating Deep Anxiety

    • Anxiety disorders are considered mental illness and come with an increased risk of suicide according to the National Institute of Health. A higher risk of heart attack is also associated with those who suffer panic attacks according to Jordan Smoller, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

    Treatments for Anxiety Disorders

    • Treatments are available for anxiety disorders. Cognitive therapy, behavior therapy and medication may be used to treat deep anxiety. Alternative treatments such as yoga and meditation may also help treat anxiety.

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