Cystic Fribrosis Symptoms & Diagnosis
Newborn Symptoms
Symptoms of cystic fibrosis in newborns include a failure to grow, frequent respiratory infections, blocked intestines and greasy stools.
Child & Adult Symptoms
Symptoms of cystic fibrosis in children and young adults include blocked bowels, delayed growth, coughing, frequent chest infection, and clubbed fingertips or toes.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms of cystic fibrosis include cirrhosis of the liver, polyps in the nasal passages and intestines which have moved into another part of the intestines.
Sweat Test
Cystic fibrosis can be diagnosed with a sweat test, in which a sweat-producing chemical and an electrode are placed on a patient's arm or leg. Sweat is collected and analyzed for high salt content, which indicates cystic fibrosis.
Other Tests
Other methods used for diagnosing cystic fibrosis include genetic blood tests, testing of family members and tests to measure liver, pancreas and lung function.
Treatment options for cystic fibrosis include antibiotics, pain medicine, medicine to thin and remove mucus and lung transplantation.