Cellulitis in Babies
Risk Factors
Babies receiving immunosuppressive medications and corticosteroids are at risk of developing cellulitis. Other risk factors include breaks in the skin from animal, human and insect bites. Scratches from uncut fingernails or other accidental scratches also place the baby at risk.
Cellulitis in babies causes red, swollen patches of skin. The area will be warm to the touch and small fissures often appear in the skin. A cellulitis infection often presents on the lower legs, arms, hands or face.
Cellulitis in babies causes red, swollen patches of skin. The area will be warm to the touch and small fissures or blisters often appear on the skin. The patch grows rapidly as the infection spreads.
Pediatric cellulitis has the potential to be life threatening. It can affect the tissues, muscles and bones and enter the bloodstream. Seek immediate medical attention if the cellulitis is on the baby's face as this can lead to meningitis.
Administering antibiotics for 7 to 10 days can cure pediatric cellulitis. Severe cases of cellulitis in babies require hospitalization and treatment with intravenous antibiotics.