Test for Yeast Overgrowth
The symptoms of yeast overgrowth are many and can overlap symptoms from other diseases so specific testing may be necessary. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) says the most obvious symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are much more specific, including discharge with an indistinct odor and cottage-cheese like texture. If these symptoms are present, see a physician immediately. However, yeast infection symptoms can also include depression and irritability, frequent digestive upsets, exhaustion and weight gain. Some of these which specifically overlap other disorders are fibromyalgia, PMS, asthma and migraines. If any or all of these symptoms occur, there is a test that can be done at home.
The Spit Test
According to New Leaf Health Source, one accurate test for yeast overgrowth is "The Spit Test." This test is the first that should be performed, as it is entirely free and can be done in the privacy of the home. The test is performed by spitting into a cup of water before having anything to eat or drink in the morning, or putting anything else in the mouth. Check the cup right away, and then every 15 minutes for no more than an hour. If the saliva remains on the surface of the water, there is most likely not a problem with yeast overgrowth. If, however, "legs" form, while some specks remain suspended and then sink, a yeast overgrowth is likely.
Medical Tests
Doctors can perform a pelvic exam (in the case of a vaginal yeast infection) or swab various bodily fluids to test for yeast overgrowth. Examination by microscope should yield results quickly and accurately, according to HHS. There are also several web sites available that offer symptom checklists, which can help determine the likelihood that problems are caused by Candida. Two such sites are linked from SixWise.com; see references for further information.
HHS states that there are many treatments available for yeast infections, but be certain to check with a physician before using the many over-the-counter products available. Several brands of creams and vaginal suppositories are available with no prescription. Another option is a tablet taken orally which contains the drug fluconazole, an antifungal treatment.
SixWise.com suggests that a diet that includes healthy probiotic foods will help maintain the balance of the bacteria/yeast ratio in the digestive tract. This is an integral defense against yeast overgrowth. Avoiding simple sugars and maintaining a balanced diet are also recommended.