Euphorbium Sinus Relief
Euphorbium and Medicinal Use
Euphorbium sinus relief is not under the realm of FDA, scientifically approved medicine; however, its use has garnered enough favorable results that major companies for sinus relief products use it. These companies include the makers of Vicks Sinus Relief, Sinusin and Flu-Relief. Users and producers of euphorbium based sinus relief medicines claim decongestant properties, improvement of rhinitis and sinusitis, relief of dry nasal membranes and improvement of cold and flu symptoms.
Euphorbium Advisory
Euphorbium is not used alone and is administered through a commercial product either purchased online, at a pharmacy or natural food store. Euphorbium, as aforementioned, is a cocktail of different euphorbia plants. Euphorbia is one of largest species of plants, with over 2,000 different varieties. These plants range from the common holiday traditional poinsettia and cover the globe with varieties in China and Madagascar. The plants used are special varieties found in northwest Africa. Do not try to administer euphorbium cocktails on your own for sinus relief. Euphorbium should only be administered through products purchased online, at a pharmacy or natural food store and with the approval of your doctor.
Euphorbium: New Research and Development
New research on Euphorbium has lead scientists to believe that Euphorbium has advanced pain relieving properties which may explain some of its relief for sinus and flu symptoms. Researchers Giovanni Appendino and Arpad Szallasi affiliated with The Department of Science and Technology of Pharmacy, University of Study in Torino, Italy and the Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Washington Universality School of Medicine St. Louis, USA have found that Euphorbium blocks pain receptors of resiniferatoxin, a powerful transmitter of physiological pain. This would explain the improvement of aches and pain associated with influenza and cold infections. Euphorbium has been used by Mediterranean civilizations for sinus relief thousands of years. This research further substantiates the medical properties of these particular Euphorbia plants.