Genital Skin Problems
Dermatitis is a genital skin problems characterized by a fast growing rash that can become blistered and swollen. Dermatitis can clear quickly or last for a long time. It is often thick, dark and itchy. Some types of dermatitis affecting the genital area are lichen simplex that results from rubbing and scratching, atopic dermatitis which is related to hay fever allergies, irritant contact dermatitis which results from wetness and urine and allergic contact dermatitis caused by perfume or rubber allergies.
Non-venereal Skin Problems
Some of the non-venereal problems commonly seen in the genital area are boils that are deep, hair bump infections and folliculitis, which are surface hair bump infections. Also seen are impetigo, which are school sores, and erythrasma, which are dark brown patches. In women, bacterial vaginosis is seen where there is an overgrowth of normal bacteria. Also jock itch is commonly seen in the genital area in men and characterized by a rash that itches.
Venereal Skin Problems
Some commonly seen venereal skin problems are herpes, characterized by sore like lesions, and genital warts that may look like cauliflower. These are viral infections. Some other sexually transmitted venereal problems are gonorrhoea, which has a green pus discharge; trichomoniasis, which has a yellow pus and foul smelling discharge; and syphilis, which has a painful sore when it first appears. Parasitic infections such as pubic lice and scabies are also seen often.
The treatments for these skin problems will depend on what is causing the irritation or infection. If it is a rash with itching, then creams may be used. Infections are treated with antibiotics and things like warts may need to be frozen off or surgically removed. Depending on the problem, some home treatments such as ice may help with pain and inflammation.
Prevention can protect against many genital skin problems. Keeping the skin moisturized with hypoallergenic lotions can help. To prevent some types of genital skin problems, do not have unprotected sex, practice good hygiene, dry off well and allow the genital area to get air.