Effective Remedies for Bedsores
Relieving Pressure
When someone develops bedsores, the first goal is to relieve the pressure that allowed the sore to form. This will allow healing to begin and also make the person more comfortable. It's important for people who are immobile to change positions often so pressure is not too great. People who are bedridden should change positions ever two hours. People in wheelchairs should change positions every 15 minutes. In some cases, special products such as mattresses and cushions can be helpful in alleviating the pressure on sores that have already developed.
Cleaning bedsores is an important part of the treatment because they can easily become infected. Most bedsores can be easily cleaned with warm water and a mild soap, but open wounds should only be cleaned with a saline solution. Each wound should be cleaned every time the dressings are changed. The type of dressings used and how often they should be changed will depend on the severity and location of the wound. Speak with your doctor for recommendations.
Dead or damaged skin tissue will need to be removed from bedsores to allow healing to begin. In most cases, doctors will recommend patients undergo surgical debridement to remove the dead tissue. The process involves using a scalpel or other surgical tools to cut away the diseased and infected tissue. Because debridement can be painful and uncomfortable, doctors will sometimes suggest other procedures, such as high-pressure irrigation or using topical drugs to allow debridement to begin.
Surgical Procedures
In many cases, patients with bedsores may need a surgical procedure to thoroughly clean out the wound and allow healing to begin. Several different types of procedures can be performed, depending on the location and severity of the sores. Most procedures involve using healthy muscle and skin from other areas of the body to cover the affected skin.