Side Effects of Procrit
Side effects of Procrit are usually mild and can include dizziness, fever, headache, nausea, vomiting and pain at the injection site.
Serious side effects of Procrit are a medical emergency and can include chest pain, shortness of breath, body weakness or numbness, sudden headache, vision, speech or balance deficits, feeling lightheaded and pain or swelling in the legs.
Benefits of Procrit include helping the body produce red blood cells, resulting in the resolution of anemia and its associated symptoms.
Procrit is an injectable medication, and the injection site should be monitored for signs of infection such as redness, swelling and pain. Irritation at the injection site should be reported to the physician immediately.
Procrit is manufactured from human blood plasma and can potentially contain viruses. Although human blood products are screened and tested for infectious agents, there is still a remote chance it can transmit viruses.