Can Soy Help With Hot Flashes?
Soy products such as tofu, soy milk and soy burgers contain phytoestrogens. These are natural compounds that mimic the chemical effects of estrogen when eaten. For this reason, soy has been considered a natural alternative to hormone replacement therapy.
The effectiveness of soy in reducing the frequency and severity of hot flashes is up for debate. Some studies, such as a 1998 experiment in Italy, found soy to be highly effective in treating hot flashes. Others, following similar conditions and parameters, have found a placebo to be just as effective. The clinical justification of soy, for now, is inconclusive. However, the natural phytoestrogens in soy as well as the widespread anecdotal evidence make soy a safe and intriguing candidate for hot flash relief.
It's not proven, but it's worth a shot. Many physicians and gynecologists will recommend adding soy to your diet; it may work, and if it doesn't, you're still eating a heart-healthy food. However, don't go overboard and start eating soy products three meals a day; it's possible that inordinate amounts of soy, thanks to the phytoestrogens, can lead to an increased risk of breast cancer.