How to Test for Tartaric Acid
Winemaking and tartaric acid testing
Tartaric Acid
Tartaric acid comes from plants (and from the juice of grapes) and is used in many processes (food and medications), as well as wine making. In fact, it is a critical component in the wine-making process. And according to Wine, wine that doesn't have enough tartaric acid is going to produce a flat, dull taste, and wine that has too much in it will taste sour and tart. Hence, the need to test for tartaric acid.
Wine Making and Testing
Testing for tartaric acid is an important step in the wine-making process, and according to More, the acidity of the wine doesn't just determine its taste; it also determines if the end product produced will be long-lasting too. Preferred wine acidity levels vary by wine and personal taste, but guidelines are available to assist winemakers with appropriate base concentration levels to work from.
Testing Tools
Reaction vials The tools needed to test for tartaric acid in the wine-making process include a 12 mL plastic syringe, a reaction vial with cap, some distilled water, a 4-ounce bottle of 0.1N sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and a phenolphthalein indicator in a glass bottle with a dropper. In addition, a portion of the wine to be tested is also needed.
Testing Procedure
Measuring with a syringe during testing Draw 5 mL of the wine with the plastic syringe and put this amount into the reaction vial. Add enough distilled water to the vial to bring the liquid level up to two-thirds full. Now, add three drops of phenolphthalein. After cleaning the syringe (and drying it thoroughly), use it to draw 10 mL of sodium hydroxide, but add only 0.5mL of it to the vial at a time, capping the vial and shaking it well before uncapping and repeating the process.
pH Balance Test Results
The goal for tartaric acid is a pH level of 8.2, as this indicates complete acid neutralization. You need to monitor the color of the wine after each contribution of sodium hydroxide to gauge the desired end pH result, however, as color varies for each wine when you reach this desired end point. In addition, you need to maintain a log of the amount of sodium hydroxide used to reach the desired acidity level so you cann duplicate the process later with the wine.
Colors in Testing
Red wines need to be slightly green in testing. For white wines, expect the color to turn magenta and to deepen after each infusion of sodium hydroxide. Eventually, the color becomes a pale pink shade, remaining that way for approximately 30 seconds. This indicates the desired pH level for white wine.
For red wines, expect the color to turn gray. Then, it turns a faint pink color; however, it may be difficult to discern it through continuing shades of the gray still present. But when the gray turns a little bit green, you have reached the desired pH level for red wines.