COPD Nutrition & Treatment
COPD comes in two major variants: chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Bronchitis produces a build-up of mucus within the lungs, emphysema causes the destruction of the air sacs within the lungs, impairing maximal respiratory capacity. Symptoms include a chronic cough that produces blood-streaked mucus, constant fatigue, headache, and shortness of breath.
COPD Treatments
According to the experts at MedlinePlus, there is no real cure for COPD. Instead, there are a number of steps you can take to mitigate the influence that the disease has on your life. These include stopping smoking, the use of inhalers to facilitate increased breathing capacity, and the use of breathing tubes to guard the airways.
According to the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, nutrition is important to prevent the development of respiratory illness, which is extremely dangerous for an individual with COPD. Avoid foods that cause gas, such as fried or spicy items, along with attempting to limit sodium intake by removing sodium-rich foods from your diet and not using additional salt. In general, stick to a diet rich in lean protein, fruits, and vegetables, with the addition of some whole grains. Aim for at least 25 to 30 g of fiber per day as well.
Additional Guidelines
Many patients with COPD have appetite problems, so the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic recommend a number of tips to overcome this hurdle. Before eating, head out for a light walk or some other form of exercise to stimulate your appetite. At meals, consume high-calorie foods first, allowing yourself the opportunity to pack in maximal calories while you are still hungry. Additionally, consume small, frequent meals to increase your metabolism, indirectly improving your appetite.
Being proactive about your treatment is the best way to overcome COPD. Thus, you should avoid situations that are likely to exacerbate your symptoms. According to MedlinePlus, strive to avoid cold air whenever possible, along with keeping the air in your house clean by not allowing smoking indoors and not using the fireplace. Taking the initiative to protect your lungs will ensure that they will serve you as best as they are able, even with COPD.