Lung Problems That Cause Chest Pain
Asthma Inhalers can be Used to Reduce the Tightening in the Chest That Causes Chest Pain
Some causes of chest pain, such as chest congestion from a cold or bronchitis, or pleurisy can be treated without being admitted to a hospital. However, more serious cases such as pneumonia, a blood clot in the lung or lung cancer should receive emergency treatment and may require hospitalization. Asthma can also cause chest pain and can be a more chronic condition.
Identification of the lung problem that is causing your pain can be done in a number of ways. A physician may want to perform blood work to look for disease or infections. A chest X-ray may be needed. A physician may want to take a closer look at the lungs through a CT or MRI. In some cases, such as diagnosis of lung cancer, surgery may be required for a biopsy or to remove cancerous growths. If the condition is thought to be caused by asthma, then allergy tests may be done to determine the exact irritant.
According to the Mayo Clinic, prevention of lung problems that ultimately cause chest pain can be done by not smoking, following a healthy diet and exercising. This type of prevention can be used to reduce risks for lung cancer and lung disease. In addition, eating right, exercising and getting enough rest can keep your immune system at a healthy level and help you ward off infections such as pneumonia that can cause lung problems and chest pain. In cases of asthma, if the trigger is known then avoiding the irritant that causes the allergy is the best prevention.
The treatment for lung problems and chest pain will depend on the cause of the condition. If the cause is an infection or a chest cold, taking antibiotics may be enough. More serious infections such as pneumonia or staphylococcus may need more precise treatment with IV antibiotics and may require a hospital stay. Asthma patients may need to take ongoing medication or use inhalers to reduce tightness in the chest that causes chest pain. If the cause is lung cancer, surgical intervention, radiation or chemotherapy may be needed.
Everyone should take chest pain seriously and get it checked out by a physician. In most cases, chest pain can be minor. However, in some cases it is a sign of more significant problems such as lung cancer, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary aneurysm or a serious infection such as pneumonia. Even asthma can be deadly if it ends up cutting off the airway. In these cases, seeking prompt medical assistance is critical to survival.