Fibromyalgia Weight Loss Foods
Dietary fiber can be found in whole-grain breads, beans, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds. These foods provide energy necessary for healthy functioning, and can assist in lowering your low-density lipoproteins, cholesterol that builds up in your body and can cause heart disease and other health complications. Due to the low calorie count of vegetables and fruit, you can eat them in high volumes without worrying about gaining weight. Whole-grain bread and pasta is helpful in your goal to lose weight, as they break down slowly during digestion, which means you will feel full longer and eat less. Do not consume simple carbohydrates found in white flour and cakes, as they provide little nutrition and increase your glucose levels, which can lead to type 2 diabetes.
Restrict red meat from your diet. Not only is red meat high in calories, it is also high in saturated fat, which over time can cause obesity. Opt for lean meats, such as skinless chicken, fish or turkey, to receive your daily requirement of animal protein. According to the Arthritis Foundation, you can also find high amounts of protein in nuts, seeds, lentils, beans, dried peas and tofu. Salmon, tuna, sardines, anchovies and mackerel are all high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, a nutrient that works similarly to non-steroidal anti-inflammatories by reducing inflammation. Other sources of protein include eggs, dairy and soy products. Dairy products should be low-fat or non-fat to avoid saturated fat.
Saturated Fat
Resist the urge to indulge in sugary and fried foods, as they are high in saturated fat. Instead of frying your food, you can try a healthy alternative such as boiling, baking or broiling to cut down on fat intake. Saturated fat can also be found in cooking products such as butter and margarine, and should be replaced with vegetable oils such as olive or peanut oil. These oils are monounsaturated fat, a healthy fat that reduces the risk of heart disease. Avoid processed foods and especially processed meat, as the high sodium content can affect your blood pressure and exacerbate pain, according to Rawlings.