What Are the Functions of the Liver & Kidneys?

Although the liver and kidneys are part of different systems within the body, they are both vitally important. Without proper functioning of either liver or kidneys the human body could not survive.
  1. Liver

    • The largest gland of the human body, the liver is an accessory structure to the digestive system. The liver metabolizes proteins, stabilizes glucose levels within the blood, breaks down fatty acids and stores fat and vitamins. The liver detoxifies the blood by filtering and removing drugs or hormones and destroys old red and white blood cells.

    Appearance and Location

    • The liver weighs around 3 lbs. and is located under the diaphragm, near the stomach.

    Liver Regeneration

    • The liver is one of the few parts of the human body that can regenerate. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, "a healthy liver is able to regenerate most of its own cells when they become damaged." An unhealthy liver is unable to regenerate and can significantly diminish chances of survival.


    • These important organs are part of the urinary system and work to filter and eliminate waste. Homeostasis, which is maintaining the constant state of the internal environment of the body, is also a primary function of the kidneys.

    Appearance and Location

    • The kidneys are located on the posterior of the body, just above the waist. They are two reddish brown bean-shaped organs, the right kidney and the left kidney.

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