Hyperexol Side Effects
How It Works?
Hyperexol is an over-the-counter drug that increases healthy blood circulation while providing cardiovascular, eye, and brain support with its all-natural ingredients.
Hyperexol consists of hawthorne berries, cayenne pepper, vitamin C, potassium, taurine, magnesium oxide and more.
Side Effects
Although Hyperexol is known to be safe, side effects may include fatigue, dizziness, depression and more.
Side Effects Hawthrone Berries
Hawthorne berries can be dangerous if taken with other medications. Side effects include sweating, fatigue and nausea. Large doses of hawthorne berries can result in a significant drop in blood pressure.
Side Effects of Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper is no doubt good for your health but if taken in excessive amounts it can cause stomach pain and vomiting.