Symptoms of Asperger's in Teens
Asperger's is not a disorder that happens overnight. Almost certainly, if a teenager shows traits of this order, he did so when he was a young child, as well. Asperger's is not something that will go away with time. It is a lifelong condition. However, through understanding of his own strengths and limitations, a person with Asperger's can come to control his emotions.
Lack of social skills
Teenagers with Asperger's will often have intense social anxiety. This is because they are often unable to read social cues and go with the "flow" of things. It is hard for them to relate with other people. They often prefer routines and do not like change. One-sided conversations are also very common. They mostly talk a lot about their favorite interests.
Success with Asperger's
In school, teenagers with Asperger's often excel because of being very detail-oriented. They are focused and goal-driven. Many teens with Asperger's are very honest, sometimes to the point of rudeness. Though teens with Asperger's may not have many friends because of extreme social anxiety, it is possible for them to have close relationships with others throughout their lives.
Early signs
You may have noticed when your teenager was younger, he may have had delayed motor development. Another cue is heightened sensitivity and easily becoming overstimulated by loud noises, tastes and bright lights. He may even have an awkward walk or talked rapidly or extremely slowly.
If you suspect that your teenager is suffering from Asperger's or if you notice a difference in her personality, check with her pediatrician. Since the teen may feel awkward or out of place, it is easy for her to go into a depression or experience extreme anxiety. If your child seems depressed, do not hesitate to seek help.