What Are the Causes of Extreme Tiredness?
Anemia occurs when there is a short supply of red blood cells produced within the body. Red blood cells carry oxygen through the body to provide energy.
Early pregnancy causes a woman to feel very tired and fatigued due to hormonal changes within her body. As pregnancy progresses and the baby continues to grow, she feels fatigued from carrying around the extra weight.
Lack of Proper Nutrition
People who do not get enough vitamins and calories from food will often feel extreme tiredness, because the body doesn't have the ability to produce energy for everyday activities.
Stress and Anxiety
Depression and pain can cause anxiety and stress, which cause sleep deprivation. Stress and anxiety wear the body down, causing it to feel extreme tiredness.
An infection can cause someone to experience extreme tiredness, because the body is using extra energy to fight the infection.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome might follow a cold or stomach virus. The disorder causes extreme fatigue that worsens with everyday activities. In most cases, the condition does not improve with rest.