How to Handle an Employee With Viral Meningitis
Things You'll Need
- Fluids
Give the employee time off to recover from his illness, if possible. When a patient has viral meningitis, the best treatment is a week or two of steady rest and lots of fluids. She may be suffering from fever, vomiting, and intense headaches; work is not the best place for a meningitis patient.
Maintain good hygiene at the workplace. Viral meningitis is spread via contact with an infected individual or by inhaling tiny droplets that are expelled by a cough or sneeze. Install hand sanitizers near the bathroom and at the entrances and exits of the office.
Pay close attention to see if any fellow employees have caught the virus. Since an individual may not be symptomatic for days following infection, the virus may have already spread to other employees. There is no way to determine whether you have contracted the virus, if you have yet to display symptoms. If another worker starts to show symptoms, recommend that he receive a meningitis test from a physician. Symptoms to watch for include intense headaches, a stiff neck, vomiting, seizures, or sensitivity to light.