Home Remedy Cures for Ezcema
Causes and Symptoms
Eczema has multiple causes, including genetics, stress, or allergies to chemicals, food, environmental factors, materials, detergents or cigarette smoke. You can develop eczema when any of these factors overloads your immune system.
"Eczema" is a general term describing inflamed skin. Eczema.net describes this condition as "the itch that rashes."You can get eczema anywhere on your body---even your scalp. Scratching will cause red, dry and rashy skin. Your skin might feel irritated, scaly, weepy or bumpy, and it may ooze blood or fluid. You might itch and scratch during the night without realizing it until morning.
To prevent eczema flareups, reduce the urge and ability to scratch. Start and keep a diary of symptoms and possible causes. Track food intake, environmental triggers (pets, weather changes, chemicals, etc.),and stress levels. Notice patterns of causes and reactions, and then learn to avoid triggers. Trim fingernails often, and keep them clean. Wear gloves when cleaning and handling chemicals or detergents. Wear cotton clothing, and stay away from wool and other harsh materials. Use mild soaps, deodorants and lotions.
Dr. Daniel F. Soteres of Asthma & Allergy Associates of Colorado recommends taking nightly baths for 20 to 30 minutes with unscented oil in the water. Immediately after getting out of the bath (within 3 minutes), apply lotion or vegetable shortening. Then seal in the moisturizer with moist gauze wraps or dampened pajamas. For eczema on the feet or hands, put on warm and wet socks and gloves. If your eczema is severe, bathe and moisturize twice a day.
Additional Remedies
You can also minimize eczema episodes with steroids (topical or oral) and antihistamines prescribed by a doctor. You might find relief at home from ultraviolet light treatment, humidifiers, air purifiers, homeopathy, aromatherapy and other alternative modalities. For stubborn eczema patches, apply cold compresses. Also, make it a goal to reduce stress, and therefore your risk of eczema, with meditation, yoga or self-hypnosis.