Cold-Laser Therapy Treatment
This particular treatment is known by other names such as low-level laser therapy, soft laser or therapeutic laser. It is claimed that this type of procedure can help with the reduction of pain and inflammation as well as promote the healing of wounds. Use of cold therapy lasers involves direct application on or over the targeted area. Light of a single wavelength is emitted to produce photochemical cellular reactions. Cold-laser therapy treatment is different from conventional laser surgery, which is used to shrink or eliminate tumors through thermal energy.
Cold-laser therapy treatment began with the work of Andre Mester, a researcher at the Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Towards the late 1960s, he discovered that using low-level laser light enhances the repair of tissues. His work focused mainly on the treatment of diabetic ulcers. Beginning in 2002, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the marketing of several lasers that produce cold-laser therapy treatment.
Cold-laser therapy works by making use of the characteristics of light. Particular wavelengths of light are able to produce specific intensities. Through photochemical reactions, the cells of the body are stimulated into producing more energy. This increase in energy levels allows the cells to metabolize faster. The result is that the body is able to heal itself in a shorter period of time. The laser light functions as biochemical energy and improves the efficiency of the body's healing capabilities.
Cold-laser treatment is considered to be quite beneficial in the field of medicine. Some of the physical ailments that can be alleviated by this procedure include muscle pains, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. In addition, research is also being conducted to explore the use of cold-laser therapy's treatment in hair growth and wound healing. What makes this technology appealing is that it is painless and noninvasive.
Cold-laser therapy treatment is still in its early stages and further research is required to substantiate the claims that are made about it. There are different kinds of lasers that are available and not all of them produce homogeneous results. According to the FDA, not all the statements made about the benefits of cold-laser therapy treatment are true. They specifically forbid claims of effectiveness unless backed up by scientific proof. Currently, there are no studies to prove that this type of therapy is beneficial against diseases such as herpes.