How to Check for Salmonella

Salmonella describes a common bacterial infection affecting the intestines. The bacterium can be found in raw eggs, contaminated chicken, meat, or water. It begins to cause symptoms a day or two following exposure. Checking for salmonella is crucial, as untreated salmonella can lead to complications such as reactive arthritis, meningitis, and heart problems.


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      Check for blood in your feces. This is a common symptom of a salmonella infection.

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      Take your temperature. As your body tries to fight off a salmonella infection, your body temperature will rise and present as a fever. A healthy, average body temperature is 98.6 degrees F, although this may vary from person to person. If your fever is above 100 degrees, you have a statistically significant fever.

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      Think back on what you've eaten recently. If you'd eaten cookie batter, raw poultry, or any uncooked meat, you may be infected with salmonella.

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      See a doctor to have a blood or stool sample taken. You cannot definitively self-diagnose a salmonella infection, as the above symptoms can be caused by other factors.

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