The Dangers of Seraquel
The biggest danger of taking Seroquel is the risk of developing diabetes. This problem was first identified in the early 2000s, but the manufacturer declined to warn users of this potential problem. It's been found that a small number of people who took Seroquel developed diabetes, though no warning signs existed prior to taking the medication. This is also true of different antipsychotic medication including Zyprexa and Clozaril.
The journal Diabetes Care covered a statement in its February 2004 issue from four major medical societies. The statement warned patients taking Seroquel to be aware of the potential to develop diabetes. This led the FDA to require the manufacturer to use a warning label on all Seroquel prescriptions. However, the company only used this warning label on prescriptions issued in Japan and not those issued in the United States.
As a way of preventing these dangers from occurring, doctors are encouraged to discuss the risks associated with the drug with patients before prescribing it. Doctors should also screen their patients and only prescribe the medication to those with a medical background and family history free of diabetes. Patients taking Seroquel should be carefully monitored and doctors should frequently test or check for any signs of diabetes to prevent the problem from occurring.
If you're taking Seroquel, you should also be aware of "Seroquel Anger" as it is known. Th condition occurs when the patient taking the medication starts experiencing mood changes and emotional outbursts. Seroquel is sometimes used to treat the symptoms of Alzheimer's or dementia and those taking the pills for that reason are more prone to "Seroquel Anger." A small number of patients have also found that their symptoms worsened.
Side Effects
Another danger or risk associated with taking Seroquel is that it can worsen symptoms. Anger and agitation can increase as a result of taking the pills, as can paranoia and mood swings. In some cases, patients have become violent as a result of using the medication. If you notice that your symptoms worsen, you should talk to your doctor immediately. The doctor will most likely discontinue the use of Seraquel.