Low Testerone Symptoms in Women
Testosterone is produced by a woman's body along with estrogen and progesterone. A woman produces less testosterone as she ages, and this may lead to symptoms due to insufficient hormone levels in the body.
The most significant symptom of low testosterone in a woman is low libido. Other symptoms often include fatigue, depression, vaginal dryness, painful intercourse, hot flashes and increased fat in the abdomen.
Low testosterone in women may be caused by diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, disease of the pituitary gland and the overuse of oral contraceptives. The natural aging process can also lead to less production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, as well as testosterone.
Natural Treatment
Dr. John R. Lee is a Harvard-trained physician that has written several books on low testosterone in women. Lee reports that one of the most effective treatments for this condition is using a natural progesterone cream for at least six months. This will raise progesterone in the woman's body, and in turn, will raise testosterone production. The cream is rubbed into the skin and absorbed by the body.
Additional Treatment
Progesterone cream should be used for at least six months. If symptoms are still not resolved, then a natural testosterone booster can be tried. Natural testosterone treatments are available from compounding pharmacies, and Lee recommends that only these treatments be used. Synthetic testosterone supplements are not recommended due to potential unpleasant side effects.