Remedies for Fatigue
Know the Cause
- lists over 2,800 possible causes of fatigue. These include such simple explanations as lack of sleep, cold and flu, viral infection, premenstrual syndrome, stress and overwork. For these types of fatigue, you can take simple steps.
However, other types of fatigue are a symptom of serious medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, sleep apnea, anemia or thyroid problems. Autoimmune diseases such as lupus or fibromyalgia are almost always accompanied by fatigue. If you are experiencing any other symptoms besides tiredness, or if simple lifestyle changes don't help, visit your doctor to discuss it.
Lifestyle Changes
- explains that most of the time fatigue is a result of our habits. Lifestyle changes can often make all the difference in a person's energy level. Ask yourself some simple questions to help pin down the cause of your fatigue. How have you been sleeping? Have you been spending too much time working? Do you feel depressed? Are you experiencing grief of any kind? Are you struggling with stress? Are you on any new medications that list fatigue as a side effect? Do you exercise enough? Are your eating habits healthy?
Very often, poor diet and lack of exercise are the culprits. The American's Dietetic Association's website,, gives tips on avoiding diet-related fatigue. They recommend that you always eat breakfast. Eating small meals throughout the day, rather than three large ones, can result in more energy. Remember that overeating can cause sluggishness. Also, be sure to get some kind of physical activity almost every day.
Dietary Supplements
Taking a multivitamin daily helps insure that your body has the fuel it needs to produce energy and fight fatigue. Supplements such as ginseng, rhodiola rosea and burdock root are said to be fatigue fighters. Be sure to read the product packaging carefully and make sure that these products will not cause unwanted interaction with any prescription drugs you are taking.
While they are tempting when an energy boost is needed, it is best to avoid highly caffeinated energy drinks. Once they wear off, you can expect to crash.