Homemade Remedies for Head Lice
Once lice have set up house in the scalp, the assault begins and causes extreme itching on the scalp and the nape of the neck. If the source of the itching is explored, tiny white nits are seen clutching to the hair ducts. It is the adult lice's saliva that causes so much intense itching. It can also lend itself to inflammation and possible infection.
The lice can then shift to another setting via a hair brush, bed sheets, combs, towels, scarves, hats or coats. In addition, lice are able to live at least 24 hours when they are not connected to a person's head.
Home Remedies
Unfortunately, head lice have become more impervious to chemically-based pesticides. In addition, the Cancer Prevention Coalition cautioned at a press briefing in 1995 that some of the more common lice shampoos that are prescribed can cause childhood cancer that can be fatal. That is why it is imperative to find safe home remedies for lice annihilation. There are several natural anecdotes that consist of safe household ingredients. One remedy recipe can be done by combining 1 teaspoon of garlic and 1 teaspoon of lime juice and rubbing it on hair. Or try applying olive oil to the scalp and hair and allow it to absorb for up to nine hours. Wash it with regular shampoo and rinse it with white vinegar. Another alternative is to rub mayonnaise on the scalp and cover with a plastic bag. Allow it to stay for one hour and then blow dry it for five minutes. Then shampoo with your typical shampoo and use a fine-toothed comb to get rid of the nits. Rinse well.
Preventing lice is paramount for avoiding annoying infestations. As soon as the initial nits and lice are discovered, begin washing pillows, sheets, towels, hats, scarves, brushes and combs immediately to stop the potential spread. Brush your hair forcefully two times a day using a brush with natural bristles. Wash your hair two times per week and add two drops of geranium, tea tree, rosemary or eucalyptus essential oils to a PH shampoo.