How to Stop Aging Now
Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke. A study by Toru Nyunoya found that smoking had an effect on a protein called Werners protein that is responsible for accelerated aging. Smoking accelerates aging and increases the body's age by up to 10 years.
Avoid sun exposure. Always wear an SPF 30 or above before going outside. The sun is the number one cause of premature aging of the skin. According to, even a few minutes of sun every day can weaken collagen fibers and contribute to sunspots, spider veins or dry and aging skin. The sun does provide vitamin D, which is important for the teeth and bones in particular. Take a vitamin D supplement daily to ensure you have adequate intake for nutritional purposes.
Eat a balanced diet and keep your calorie count low. Obesity contributes to a host of illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol that contribute to overworking the heart, liver and other organs. This can cause an acceleration in the aging process. A study performed by the UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health found that caloric restriction reduced the chances of developing diseases that lead to aging. In addition, brain functioning, memory and lifespan increased on a calorie restrictive diet.
Take omega 3 to slow down the aging process. Eat plenty of oily fish such as mackerel and salmon to keep your cholesterol levels low and contribute to good skin. Omega 3 also regulates hormones, increases calcium absorption, relaxes muscles and increases brain function.
Include anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals in your diet. states that anti-oxidants including lycopend, lutein, carotene, C and E will help to thwart brain, eye, and cardiovascular diseases, and increase metabolism. Eat foods such as berries, beans, fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, and whole grains to get plenty of vitamins, minerals and amino acids in your diet. Take a supplement if you are not able to eat a thoroughly balanced diet.
Exercise vigorously at least 30 minutes daily four or more times per week. Musculature and flexibility begin to decline as we age. Exercise will help to increase blood flow, which will keep the heart and other vital organs healthy. Do aerobic exercise to work the lungs and provide oxygen to the blood. Include strength training to keep the muscles and bones strong. Stretching exercises should be a part of an exercise routine as well.