Signs and Symptoms of Lichtheim's Disease
Tingling and Numbness
Many of the symptoms are significant of the affect it has on the nerves. A person might experience tingling and numbness in many areas of the body. Most people start feeling this tingling sensation in the feet. A tingling sensation or a numbness of the feet, or other areas, that occur without known cause, lasting for long periods of time, should be checked out by a doctor. Complete paresthesia, or the sensation of your muscles "falling asleep" might also occur.
Weakness or Lack of Ability
Other symptoms that might occur are leg weakness or general muscle weakness. Many of these cases occur with a focus on the feet and legs first. Additional symptoms might include an unsteady stance or gait. A person might appear unsteady due to the numbness of the feet or legs. Symptoms might include the inability to feel vibrations or to sense the position of the body.
Other Symptoms
Additional symptoms range from general clumsiness or stiff and awkward movements from the limbs and feet. A person might experience memory problems or confusion. In some cases symptoms might include dementia or apathy. Decreased vision, depression and a desire to sleep or tiredness might be prominent. In rare cases it can cause speech impairment.
Why It Occurs
Lichtheim's disease might occur due to a severe lack of vitamin B12. Some people who have severe vitamin deficiencies might have one of several diseases occurring from lack of nutrients, of which Lichtheim's might be one of them. People with Crohn's disease, diabetes or any condition where the body can't absorb vitamins efficiently are at higher risk of getting Lichtheim's.
How to Treat Lichtheim's disease
A doctor is needed to test for and to treat Lichtheim's disease, which might require B12 shots and continual vitamin injections until the deficiency is fixed. The shots are injected into the muscle, and they may be given once a day. The treatment usually lasts for a week. After that, a patient might be prescribed weekly injections for a month, and then reoccurring monthly. This is a lifetime treatment in order to prevent symptoms from reappearing again.