Carbocaine Side Effects
Carbocaine side effects can affect the entire body (systemic) when an overdose occurs. Apnea (stop breathing) and secondary cardiac arrest are possible if dosage is not administered correctly.
Central Nervous System
Carbocaine side effects that affect the central nervous system (CNS) include anxiety, dizziness, blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, chills, tremors and convulsions. Serious CNS side effects reported were unconsciousness and respiratory arrest.
When administered in excessively high dosages, Cabocaine can affect the cardiovascular system to include hypotension, heart block, bradycadia (slow heart beat), arrhythmia (abnormal heart beat) and cardiac arrest.
Allergic Reaction
Allergic reactions to Carbocaine are rare. Injection and/or intravenous site administration which causes redness, swelling and itching is the most common reaction.
Carbocaine has the potential to interact with other medications and medical conditions. Inform your physician if you have been diagnosed with heart problems, low blood pressure, decreased blood volume (anemia), kidney disease or liver disease.