Gallstone Prevention
For anyone who has had gall-bladder pain, gallstone prevention can be a primary concern. Gallstones are common among the U.S. population and are the result of digestive juices that become hardened. As the stones accumulate in the gall bladder, they may cause pain, or they may become lodged in the bile duct that runs from the gall bladder to the digestive system. Preventing gallstones is largely a matter of diet and lifestyle changes.-
Skipping Meals
According to the Mayo Clinic, one of the recommendations for gallstone prevention is avoiding skipping meals. Fasting by skipping meals can result in the accumulation of digestive bile in the gall bladder, which may contribute to the development of gallstones. Fasting occasionally will generally not result in gallstones. However, a regular habit of skipping meals and fasting as a method of weight loss can also be a contributor to other health problems, such as metabolism problems.
Exercise Regularly
The Mayo Clinic recommends that individuals exercise daily and keep moving on a regular basis. Since weight gain is a contributing factor to the development of gallstones, gallstone prevention can include behaviors that will result in the opposite achievement--weight loss. Individuals should participate in some form of regular physical activity for a minimum of 30 minutes almost every day of the week for maximum effectiveness.
Weight Loss
Another recommendation from the Mayo Clinic is that individuals should be careful in how quickly they lose weight. Rapid weight loss can be a contributing factor in the development of gallstones. In order to help in the prevention of gallstones, weight loss should be at a rate of approximately 1 to 2 pounds per week, no faster. Weight loss at a faster rate not only places individuals at risk of developing gallstones, but also puts them at risk for developing metabolic issues.
Maintaining Healthy Weight
Gallstone prevention includes maintaining a healthy weight, according to the Mayo Clinic. Knowing your optimal BMI (body mass index) can be helpful in knowing what you should weigh. In order to achieve your optimal BMI and a healthy weight, you should increase your daily physical activity along with reducing the amount of calories you take in.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
One of the most substantial gallstone prevention activities you can engage in is to eat and maintain a healthy diet. Diets high in fatty foods and animal proteins can be a strong contributor to the development of gallstones. According to the Mayo Clinic, controlling cholesterol is a primary method of avoiding gallstones. Normally, the liver secretes bile that dissolves cholesterol--which is fat in the blood. However, if cholesterol levels are too high, then it becomes difficult for the gall bladder to function correctly and excess remaining cholesterol turns into gallstones.