Herbs to Help Liver Disease

Liver disease is not limited to just one particular condition. It is an assortment of diseases, conditions and infections that attack the cells and tissues of the liver and alter liver function. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, liver diseases are the 10th leading cause of death in the United States. Cirrhosis, hepatitis and Wilson's disease are some common diseases of the liver. In addition to conventional treatment options, an assortment of herbal remedies may be helpful in treating diseases of the liver.
  1. Herbal Remedies

    • Milk thistle is a powerful antioxidant that can prevent destruction of cells, as well as damage from toxins. Take 300 mg of this herb up to twice daily with food.

      To neutralize liver toxins, take two 580 mg capsules of shizandra two to three times daily with food or a glass of water. You can also take bupleurum root extract to neutralize liver toxins and stop further liver damage. Put 1 mL in a small amount of water and drink up to three times daily.

      Reishi mushroom can be taken in 600 mg capsules two to three times daily to reduce swelling of the liver and increase appetite.

      Take ginger root, 550 mg, one to three times per day. This herb boosts the effectiveness of other herbs by improving the body's capability to absorb them. The liver can deactivate many of the healing compounds found in herbs since it is responsible for breaking down substances in the blood. Ginger root can not only help the body absorb other herbs, but also has a calming effect and aids in digestion.

      Turmeric is another herb to help liver disease and can be taken in capsule form up to twice daily. You can also find turmeric in curry, an Eastern spice that is a blend of a variety of herbs.

      Take three capsules of dandelion root three times daily to reduce liver inflammation and improve the flow of bile. Dandelion also supplies the body with an abundant source of vitamins and minerals that boost immunity and provide overall protection to the liver.

      Make a liver tea by combining in a saucepan 1 tsp. each of dandelion root, roasted chicory root and milk thistle. Add ½ teaspoon each of ginger rhizome, sarsaparilla and licorice root. Stir in 1 qt. of water. Simmer the mixture for about two minutes then reduce heat and allow it to steep for about 15 minutes. Strain the mixture and drink one cup a day.


    • It is important to check with your doctor prior to taking any herbs to treat liver disease. Some herbs may actually cause liver damage, so do not take any products without the approval of your health care provider. Additionally, if you are nursing or pregnant, or suffer from any medical conditions, or if you are taking any medications, check with your doctor regarding the safety of taking herbal supplements.

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