Treatment for Severe Bone Spurs of the Hips
Thanks to advancement in modern surgical procedures, before you consider an entire hip replacement, you might want to investigate an alternative route, osteotomy. This surgical procedure basically involves cutting and moving your natural hipbone. Although it isn't as popular as the traditional hip replacement, it holds one advantage. The procedure doesn't use artificial parts. Instead, the patients bone is used. Using the healthier parts of your bone, the surgeon creates a new hip joint socket and moves the hip bone over until it fits snugly in its new space. During the healing process the bones are held together by metal pins, but eventually are removed, leaving only your bones. Since no artificial parts were used in the surgery, osteotomy is ideal for those looking for alternative procedures.
Hip Replacement Surgery
If medications, physical therapy and exercise haven't worked and you're unable to resume your normal exercise activities, perhaps it's time to consider a hip replacement surgery. Generally speaking, surgery is usually the last resort, but at least, after this procedure you will be able to pick-up your normal exercise routine. Commonly referred to as a complete hip arthroplasty, the surgery involves replacing a dysfunctional hip joint and replacing it with a prosthesis designed to be accepted by your body and resist corrosion. After the surgery, most patients are on crutches and immediately begin the process of learning how to walk again while working with a physical therapist. Gradually all daily activities will return within a period of three to four months.
But, it is important to remember that since most of the body's weight rests on the hips, the longevity of the prosthesis should be the patients uppermost concern. Learning to move differently and paying attention to proper body mechanics will go a long way in protecting the life of your prosthesis. Avoid heavy lifting or repetitive climbing. Although, it's beneficial to keep active, it might be wise to skip high impact sports that involve quick stop-start motion or twisting. By doing your part, your prosthesis will continue to function properly, long after surgery.