Human Parasites Treatment

A parasite is an organism that lives within or upon another organism, drawing upon and draining the resources of the host while contributing nothing toward their mutual survival. In humans, parasitic infestation is generally caused by worms, such as helminthes, or single celled protozoa such as cryptosporidium. These parasites are most commonly transferred to the human host via the fecal-oral route through the ingestion of contaminated food or water. For those who are living with a parasitic infection, a number of treatment options are available. By employing multiple strategies, the host can expedite the departure of the invading organisms.
  1. Symptoms

    • Once a parasite has become established within the human body, a number of symptoms will begin to develop. Most parasites take up residence in the intestinal tract; this can lead to lower abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, nausea or gas. Additionally, parasites place a massive drain on the body's resources which can cause the host to suffer from chronic hunger and fatigue. The presence of parasites also reduces the functional ability of the immune system, leading to a higher incidence of common ailments such as colds and sore throats.


    • If you believe you may have a parasitic infection, you can do one of the following for confirmation: 1) Examine your stools for visible worms or 2) Place a piece of scotch tape across the anus overnight. Remove the tape in the morning and visually inspect it for signs of worms. If neither of these home tests confirms your suspicions, schedule an appointment with a health care professional for a more sophisticated examination.


    • A wide variety of home remedies have been developed to deal with parasitic infections. For example, many people take garlic to rid themselves of worms. The chemical compounds found in garlic juice have natural anti-parasitic properties which work within the body to destroy the eggs, gradually reducing the resident parasite population. Cloves function in a similar manner, as do onions, pumpkin seeds, pineapple, beets and carrots. For a tasty anti-parasite treatment, eat a bowl of papaya covered in honey, as this combination seems to be particularly effective when it comes to parasite removal. Also be sure to drink a lot of water to help flush the invaders from the system.


    • Once you have gotten rid of your parasites, you will want to take steps to prevent them from returning. Be sure to wash your hands after you use the restroom and follow the washing with a douse of hand sanitizer, just to be sure nothing is lingering on the surface of your skin. Wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly before using them in cooking and be sure to remove all peels before ingesting the produce. Keep your hands away from your nose and mouth if possible, as this helps reduce the odds of accidental transference and always wear shoes outdoors, as hookworms can enter the body through the soles of the feet.

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