Relief From Hard Piles
Herbal Remedies
Certain herbs can be used to seek relief from hard piles. Horsetail tea can be taken for bleeding piles. Drink this tea once daily by stewing one teabag in 6 ounces of hot water. This should only be consumed by adults and should be avoided if you are nursing, pregnant, suffering from prostate cancer, heart disease or high blood pressure. St. John's Wort can be taken in a 300 mg capsule up to three times daily to reduce inflammation and soothe the pain associate with piles. You should not use this product if you are nursing, pregnant, taking anti-depressants or birth control pills. Apply witch hazel to the piles for relief of burning, itching and pain. It should be applied topically with a cotton ball as often as needed for relief. Aloe vera gel can be used as often as needed and is applied topically to reduce inflammation and provide relief from burning, itching and pain. Take one 500 mg capsule of psyllium seed daily to help prevent constipation. Drink eight to 12 glasses of water while taking this herb to prevent intestinal blockage. Calendula ointment may help to reduce swelling and pain when applied directly to piles and can be used up to three times a day. It can also be used in a liquid form by adding 1 ml to a bathtub filled with about 4 inches of water. Soak for 10 to 15 minutes up to three times daily. Butcher's broom tea can be taken by mixing one teaspoon of the herb with one cup of hot water. Drink this once daily. Butcher's broom is also available in capsule form. Take one to three 100 mg capsules daily for relief. Avoid this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking alpha blockers for chest pain, on MAO inhibitors , if you have high blood pressure or suffer from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Do not use in children under the age of 6.
These natural herbs can be purchased at most drug stores, vitamin shops or health food stores. Consult with your physician before using any of these treatments, particularly if you are on any medications or suffer from any other medical conditions.
Over-the-Counter Relief
Apply diaper rash cream directly to the affected area to soothe the burning and pain. Preparation H and Tuck's both offer topical creams for relief of piles. These can be applied externally up to four times daily. Petroleum jelly is ideal for lubricating the anus and encouraging easy bowel movements.
Additional Remedies
Sitz baths are very effective in relieving pile symptoms. You can either buy a special tub from most drug stores that fits right over your toilet seat and fill it with warm water, or fill your bathtub with just enough water to cover your bottom. Sit in the bath for 10 to 15 minutes at a time as often as necessary. Apply ice directly to the anal region for about 10 to 15 minutes five times daily for a cooling relief.