How to Grow Taller with Stretching Exercises
Things You'll Need
- Workout clothing
- Padded mat or carpeting
- Comfortable shoes
- Pull-up bar
Elongate to Increase Height
Perform regular hanging from an overhead object to increase your height and elongate your spinal column. Over time, the effects of gravity act to compress your spine, costing you valuable height as the day wears on. This effect actually causes you to shrink in height as the day wears on. To counteract this, jump up and grab anything that you could use to perform pull-ups on--while a dedicated bar is nice to have, you could always improvise and use monkey bars at the local playground. Now that you are airborne, simply hang with your arms fully extended, allowing your weight to stretch your spine back to its original length. Three sets of 60 seconds is a good goal to begin with, but increase duration over time to achieve the maximum benefits.
You should also perform traditional stretches that will compensate for the numerous hours you spend sitting or working in front of a computer. The first stretch you should perform is the prone cobra. While lying face down on a mat with your legs outstretched and your arms by your sides, flex at the lumbar (lower) region of the spine to raise your head and chest as high off the mat as you can. Hold for 10 to 15 seconds, remembering to keep your breathing slow and natural. Repeat two or three times.
The simple forward bend can also help increase your height by lengthening the spine further. While standing with your arms interlaced above your head, bend forward at the waist (not at the back) and attempt to touch the floor between your legs. Hold in the bottom position for a moment, then return to an upright position, attempting to literally reach for the ceiling. Repeat for a total of eight to 10 times.
Now that you have gotten the maximum amount out of your spine, the next step is to improve your posture so you are unconsciously standing at your full height at all times. The first exercise to accomplish this is the chin tilt, which cures the forward-jutting head position common to many individuals. To perform the chin tilt, stand with your back against a wall, pressing the rear of your skull fully against the wall and holding it there for 20 to 30 seconds. This is the natural posture you should strive to hold throughout the day, keeping your ears directly above your shoulders. Practice the chin tilt whenever you get a free moment.