Fibromyalgia & Throat Pain
What Is Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is a misunderstood illness involving the soft tissues of the body. These tissues include the muscles, tendons and connective tissues. The No. 1 symptom is bilateral pain at 18 specific points on the body. Some people describe the pain as shooting pains, while others describe it as stabbing or burning pain. Other symptoms affect some but not all patients who have fibromyalgia. These include headaches, intestinal and digestive issues, sleep disturbances and pain in the throat area.
Tender Point at Base of Throat
There are nine bilateral tender points in fibromyalgia, resulting in 18 spots on the body that are especially sensitive to pain. Two of these spots are at the base of the front of the neck and throat area, above the collarbone. When a person with this illness is having an active phase of the disease, she sometimes experiences pain at the location of the tender points above the collarbone. This pain can radiate down the arms and chest area and into the throat area.
Patients with fibromyalgia know their bodies are more prone to infections. Sometimes these infections can result in throat irritants and bacterial infections. If the throat is scratchy and painful this might be a result of a viral or bacterial infection. Another infection cause of throat pain is swollen lymph nodes that are located on each side of the neck, under the ears. When infections strike, lymph nodes often swell trying to fight the invaders.
Many patients with fibromyalgia report new allergies or recurring allergies. Often, a patient will find that upon awakening, his throat is dry and sore. Researchers in the field of fibromyalgia, such as Dr. Devin Starlanyl, state that fibromyalgia patients experience vasomotorhinitis, especially while sleeping. The muscles constrict, causing normal sinus drainage to be slowed. This and constant sinus drainage can result in throat pain in the early morning.
Physician Communication
Communicating with your physician is extremely important. There can be many causes of throat pain with fibromyalgia. The doctor will want to rule out more serious causes before treating the less serious ones.