Treatments for a Viral Flu
Oseltamivir, a flu antiviral drug better known under the name Tamiflu, can help prevent or reduce the severity of a influenza infection. Oseltamivir works by interfering with the flu virus's ability to reproduce. It is effective in treating both influenza type A and influenza type B in adults as well as children over the age of 1. Taken in pill form, the medicine can cause nausea and vomiting; however, patients can take the medication with food to reduce this risk. It works best when taken soon after feeling ill, within two days of the first symptoms.
Known as Relenza, Zanamivir is an inhaled flu antiviral that can treat the flu in individuals seven and older and can be used to prevent the flu for people five and older. Like oseltamivir, it interferes with the flu's ability to reproduce. Zanamivir can also work against both influenza type A and influenza type B. The side effects include nausea and vomiting along with upper respiratory symptoms like coughing and runny nose. If you have asthma or other chronic lung diseases, you should know that some users have noted breathing difficulties after taking zanamivir.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
There are many over-the-counter (OTC) treatments that reduce flu symptoms, making it more comfortable for you to recover. However, there are no over-the-counter drugs that work to slow the flu's reproduction. Many OTC flu medications contain dextromethorphan, which is used to help reduce coughing; diphenhydramine, which is used to relieve nasal congestion; and drugs like acetaminophen or ibuprofen, which are used to relieve pain and fever. When treating a child do not give him any drug that contains aspirin. Doing so could cause Reye's syndrome, a serious complication.
Treatment at Home
If you have the flu or any other respiratory illness, stay home and rest. Make sure to drink a lot of fluids to help keep your body hydrated. Keep comfortable and warm, and sleep as much as you need---you may experience fatigue, which is your body's way of telling you that you need to slow down. Staying home will also reduce the spread of the virus keeping your coworkers, fellow students, or friends free from infection.