Floor Muscle Pelvic Physical Therapy
Kegel Exercises
One exercise that your physical therapist might use to help you regain control over your pelvic floor muscles are the ever-popular Kegel exercises. Kegels were originally invented to help women having problems with incontinence post-childbirth. However, since their development, Kegels have been successfully prescribed for a wide variety of pelvic floor conditions. Performing Kegels in the presence of a trained physical therapist will allow you to have immediate feedback, giving you information on which muscles to contract and letting you gauge improvement over time.
To perform a Kegel, sit on the edge of a chair or lie down on your back. You will be squeezing the same muscles you would use to halt the flow of urine midstream. Contract the muscles as you exhale, holding the contraction throughout the duration of your exhalation. Relax as you inhale, feeling the muscles descend back into their original position. Becoming cognizant of your pelvic floor muscles can help you regain control over your condition, and your life.
Relaxation Techniques
Another physical therapy option is the practice of relaxation techniques to expand the muscles of the pelvic floor. This can be practiced through the use of relaxation tapes provided by your physical therapist, or specific self-hypnosis techniques. Additionally, relaxation can be learned through the use of biofeedback tools--sensors attached to the pelvic floor that can allow you to visually see the tension in the area. By reprogramming your body to reduce resting muscle tension in the area, many pelvic floor disorders can be cured.
Low-Level Electric Therapy
Not to be confused with painful shock therapy, low-level electric therapy is a final solution for pelvic floor disorders. By attaching diodes and sending a slight electrical current into the muscles, they can be forced to rapidly contract and relax, increasing muscle tone and strength. However, it should be noted that use of electrical stimulation often causes symptoms to worsen before seeing improvement, so be aware of this possibility.