L-Tryptophan Effects
Common Side Effects
As mentioned, there are certain side effects associated with using this medication. Some of these side effects include heartburn, dry mouth, gas, bloating, gas, vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, headaches, appetite changes, and lack of coordination. While these are considered the most common side effects associated with using the drug, they only affect a small number of users.
Severe Side Effects
Unfortunately, there are also a number of severe side effects that can come as a result of using L-tryptophan. Some of these side effects include severe muscles pain, numbness, weakness, burning pain, twitching muscle movements, difficulty breathing, irregular heartbeat, and yellowing or drying of the skin. These side effects are also very rare and do not affect a large amount of users.
Important Safety Information
This medication has been known to cause increased dizziness and drowsiness in some users. As a result, it is recommended not to operate any type of machinery (including automobiles) while using this medication. Please consult with your doctor if you suffer from any of the following ailments: liver disease, kidney disease, a muscle disorder, or eosinophilia. It is currently unknown if this medication has a harmful effect on an unborn baby, so extreme caution must be taken.
Always use this medication in direct conjunction with your doctor's orders and never in dosages larger than what has been recommended on the label. Your doctor will take into account your weight and symptoms, and from there will give you a recommendation on what dosage is right for you. The medication is administered in pill form and should be taken with food. Always store the drug at room temperature and away from sources of moisture.
If you experience any of the aforementioned side effects, contact your local physician for an adjusted treatment method. If an overdose is suspected, contact your local poison control center and head directly to the nearest emergency room. L-tryptophan is meant in the treatment of the above ailments with the consultation of a doctor only and should never be used recreationally.