Natural Diarrhea Remedies
Necessary minerals and electrolytes that carrots provide are lost because of diarrhea. Carrots reduce diarrhea symptoms and help the body recover quickly. Carrot soup is a common remedy for the condition. Chop 1 lb. of carrots and cook the carrots in 5 fl. oz. of water until soft. Eat carrot soup in small amounts every half hour.
The correct fluids restore the minerals and glucose your body loses during diarrhea. Sports drinks such as Gatorade replenish the body with electrolytes. Ginger ale and fruit juices promote a speedy recovery. Juices to try include apple, carrot, tomato, lemonade, orangeade and fresh pineapple. Drink fluids at room temperature for the body to digest them easier. If you like, add 1/2 tsp. of honey and a pinch of salt to your fruit juice.
Buttermilk contains an acid that kills germs and bacteria. Himalaya Home Remedies, linked below, recommends pouring a cup of buttermilk into a glass with a pinch of salt and drinking the mixture three to four times each day.
Herbal teas help soothe the intestines. According to Health911, you should consume herbal teas for at least six to 12 hours. Black and green teas give immediate relief from diarrhea. Following are herbal teas that are easy to prepare:
Steep 1 tsp. of fresh chamomile flowers in a cup of hot water for 15 minutes.
This next tea recipe involves using pumpkin, squash or gourd leaves. Bring 2 quarts of water to a boil; then add the leaves and remove the pot from the burner. Allow the leaves to steep for 35 minutes, and then drink the tea every few hours.
Other herbal teas you can use include blackberry tea and raspberry tea. All you need is a leaf to be steeped in hot water. Don't add sugar or cream to your tea.
Preventing diarrhea is simple. Eat a proper diet with the vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids your body requires. A healthy diet and exercise will keep your body cleansed of toxins.