Burning Feet Problems
Alcohol dependence and addiction creates a chemical imbalance that over time damages the nervous system, according to the Mayo Clinic. This damage frequently includes the sensation of burning feet, as alcoholics are more likely to have blood circulation problems and neurological complications.
Burning feet is also a condition frequently associated with diabetes. Increased levels of blood sugar damage nerve cells and surrounding tissue, creating numbness, tingling, burning pain or sensitivity to touch. Diabetes is typically treated through a daily regimen of diet, exercise and medication.
Genetic Disorder
Inherited conditions, such as familial burning feet syndrome, have been documented. German researchers at the University of Munster in 1999 identified specific chromosomes that create a condition in families that affect the unmyelinated nerve fibers, producing a burning feeling in the feet. The extent of this disease is not known, and doctors say additional research is required to determine the best treatment.
Athlete's Foot
Athlete's foot, also known as tinea corporis, is mold fungi (dermatophytes) that create tingling, itching and a burning sensation over the infected area. Athlete's foot quickly spreads in moist, humid areas and can be transferred among humans, objects, and pets. Treatment involves maintaining dry feet and application of an over-the-counter medication. Severe infections may require a prescription for an oral medication.
Failure to get the necessary daily requirements of vitamins reduces the body's ability to manufacture red blood cells. This deficiency reduces the amount of oxygen that is supplied to the body through healthy red blood cells. The extremities, such as the hands and feet, are usually the first to experience a burning sensation as a result of this lack of oxygen. Anemia is a condition that takes months, or even years, to develop and is treated by with vitamin supplements or injections.
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Tarsal tunnel syndrome, also known as posterior tibial nerve neuralgia, is an inflammation of the nerve "caused by compression of the posterior tibial nerve, which runs through a canal near the heel into the sole of the foot," according to the National Institutes of Health. The compression is caused by overuse or injury and, although most treatment begins with rest and immobilizing the area with a brace, surgery is required to reduce compression in severe cases.