Cabot Liver Cleansing Diet
Your liver is a roughly 3-lb. organ located partially beneath your ribcage on the right side of your chest. The liver, part of your digestive system, is responsible for many tasks. It helps digest fats, creates glycogen (blood sugar) and filters dangerous substances from the body. Some symptoms of liver disease include jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), decreased appetite, bloating and weight loss.
Liver Cleaning Diet
Cabot's Liver Cleansing Diet is intended to remove stress from the liver, giving it time to repair any accumulated damage prior to the development of full-blown liver disease. Her theory is that, like a filter, over time the liver will become congested with trace amounts of the items it is supposed to be removing from the body. By engaging in a largely organic diet devoid of processed foods, you can clean the liver, restoring it to optimal functionality.
Liver Cleansing Rules
The diet is intended to be followed for eight weeks. During this time, you should wholly eliminate consumption of processed foods, white flour items and sugary snacks. Consume foods that increase liver function, such as leafy green veggies (thanks to their vitamin K content), whole grains, seafood, fresh fruits (especially antioxidant-rich fruits like berries) and walnuts. She stresses that your diet should be balanced, containing ample amounts of lean protein, healthy fat, and "clean" carbs from whole grain or natural sources. Finally, keep your intake of fiber high to keep digestion running smoothly.
Sample Liver Cleansing Meal
A basic meal that follows Cabot's Liver Cleansing Diet would include grilled or pan-fried fish (healthy fat and protein) served on a bed of brown rice (whole grains), a spinach salad with balsamic dressing (leafy green veggies) and a bowl of fresh berries (antioxidant-containing fruits). Wherever possible, purchase organic foods devoid of pesticides or other unnatural chemicals.
While on the program, Cabot also recommends that you strive to consume at least eight 8-oz. glasses of filtered water per day. This will help your kidneys flush the toxins released during the diet, along with preventing potential digestive disorders like constipation. Purchasing a water filter is important to remove unnatural and perhaps toxic chemicals from the water, allowing your liver further rest.